速報APP / 遊戲 / Color Puzzle Rotation

Color Puzzle Rotation





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本


Color Puzzle Rotation(圖1)-速報App

This Puzzle is based on a very old hand held game called Great Gears.

Have some fun and discover the secrets of the puzzle, then watch your friend try it.

I have watched hundreds of people try this out. This game is a good way to measure the balance between creativity and logic. Creative people that just let go, and let their intuition guide them do it fairly quickly. Logic people that want to explain what's happening take quite a bit longer.

Color Puzzle Rotation(圖2)-速報App

Creative side : explore, try something new, play

Logical side : explain, find the pattern, solve

Where do you and your friends fall in the creative / logical spectrum? Have them try this game for 3 minutes and find out!

Color Puzzle Rotation(圖3)-速報App

Challenge : don't explain what to do, just let them explore it.